INC-4: Consumers call for ban on single-use plastics as WWF highlights “make or break” scenario
15 Apr 2024 --- Market researcher Ipsos finds that an average of 85% of people polled worldwide support a ban on single-use plastics and 90% call for a ban on hazardous chemicals used in plastics.
The survey, commissioned by WWF and the Plastic Free Foundation, included more than 24,000 participants in 32 countries and comes ahead of the fourth and penultimate plastic pollution treaty negotiations (INC-4) in Ottawa, Canada from April 23–29.
“As negotiators get to work on the next round of treaty talks, equipped with these survey results, the only path forward is one where countries agree to finally put an end to the visible and invisible impacts of plastic pollution. Now is the time for a legally binding treaty that delivers both what the people want and what the planet desperately needs,” says Erin Simon, vice president and head of Plastic Waste and Business at WWF-US.
The organizations say the results reveal widespread understanding that bans alone are not enough to end the plastic pollution crisis — citizens polled worldwide also strongly support redesigning the current plastics system to ensure remaining material can be reused and recycled safely.
“In particular, measures such as mandating manufacturers invest in and provide reuse and refill systems polled 87% support while 72% support ensuring all countries have access to funding, technology and resources to enable a just transition.”
Surpassing profits for environmental gains
A WWF analysis of states’ submissions to the treaty’s revised draft text shows that most states support ambitious and legally binding global rules across the plastics lifecycle.
“INC-4 is make or break for this treaty, and we need to gain a lot of ground in quite a short period of time. Therefore, governments must urgently come together on the key global measures that will have the biggest impact on plastic pollution,” says Eirik Lindebjerg, global plastics lead at WWF International.
“They have the support in the room and the support of their citizens. They now need to make their combined ambition a reality. Anything less at this stage in the negotiations would risk the implementation of a meaningful treaty and accelerate the plastic pollution crisis.”
survey findings, Lindebjerg says citizens have a high level of awareness, concern and engagement on what is needed to end plastic pollution and are rejecting the toxic and unjust plastics ecosystem imposed on them through “lax laws and profit-oriented businesses.”
Regarding the“Right now, we are at a crossroads. The upcoming negotiations in Ottawa will determine whether we get the treaty that was promised by the end of 2024 or not.”
“We know from other environmental treaties that nothing less than binding global rules and obligations across the plastics value chain will halt the problem. Settling for anything less is indefensible. An overwhelming majority of countries have already called for the binding global rules needed — our leaders must now turn these calls into action,” underscores Lindebjerg.
Reinforcing ban support
The Ipsos survey is the third of its kind. In the previous rounds of polling — first released a month before countries agreed to draft a global plastic pollution treaty in March 2022 and second, in December 2022 ahead of the first round of treaty negotiations — respondents also supported the radical transformation of the global plastics economy.
“The survey findings show that public opinion squarely backs a profound transformation of our relationship with plastics,” remarks Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, founder and executive director of Plastic Free July and the Plastic Free Foundation.
“But as public support builds for a strong and binding global plastic pollution treaty, we are seeing a small minority of governments trying to move in the opposite direction, demanding an opt-in approach rather than a set of fair and consistent rules.”
“This is out of step with global public expectations and evidence that strong and legally binding rules are the only way to reverse this global problem,” says Prince-Ruiz.
By Radhika Sikaria
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