Berry launches PVC film alternative as European legislation demands recycling redesign
11 Apr 2024 --- Berry Global has released a white paper outlining its “breakthrough” technology in PE Cling Film. The technology is said to be the solution to finding a recyclable alternative to traditional polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cling films for fresh food applications.
The paper, titled “How Omni Xtra+ Can Drive More Recycling of Cling Films,” outlines the challenges that users of PVC cling films face owing to its low recyclability. It also reveals the development work behind Berry’s new Omni Xtra+ PE version, which is said to offer a comparable performance to PVC.
As European legislation moves toward a requirement for all packaging to be designed for recyclability, PVC would therefore require a dedicated collection scheme, but there is limited collection and sorting infrastructure for PVC films in European markets.
Meeting the performance standard of PVC has been a challenge for the industry. The new PE films for overwrapped trays may offer a more “consistent supply” of used film for recycling, says Berry.
Developing a recyclable PE film via curbside and front-of-store PE waste streams that combine strength, stretchability and clarity and resistance to puncturing was key to the development of OminXtra+, explains Berry.
PVC has been the material of choice for fresh food applications for many years due to its many protective and presentation benefits, asserts Berry.
But its complex composition makes it difficult to recycle and if the material is processed with other polymers, it can render the other recyclates unusable, warns the company.
In another development, Packaging Insights recently spoke to Sarah de la Mare, the product line director of Closures at Berry Global, about the incoming EU tethered closures legislation and the evolving packaging landscape.
Edited by Natalie Schwertheim
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